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Meet Chantel Jones Bigby of Joy Juice Culture

Start.Pivot.Grow. Success Stories | Canvas Rebel Feature

Chantel Jones Bigby graduated from the Start.Pivot.Grow. Accelerator in Spring 2023. She continues to return for ongoing business advising and learning through our bootcamps and entrepreneur services. Her business continues to grow as she executes her strategy to engage with the community through education and product sales.

July 20, 2023 Canvas Rebel Magazine featured Chantel. Read for more below.

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Chantel Jones Bigby. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Chantel, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Let’s start with the story of your mission. What should we know?

My personal mission of cultivating a culture of joy and wellness within my community is deeply personal for me. Although my business Joy Juice Culture is a vehicle for this mission to serve others, the essence of my work has saved my life in so many ways. I simply got to a point in my life where I was not mentally, spiritually or physically well and I was suffering because of it. I struggled with health issues like chronic hypertension, bad cholesterol was high, painful fibroids and anxiety to name a few. I tried every diet that exists, joined gyms and did all types of workout programs, but never found a sustainable solution that brought me a sense of joy and peace. All things changed when I was introduced to the world of juicing and living a plant-forward lifestyle.

Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers.

Of course! I’m a multi-hyphenate wife, mom of two, higher ed administrator and CEO founder of a profit-for-purpose juice and wellness company; Joy Juice Culture. About 8-9 years ago, I came across a documentary that spoke about the healing powers of plants and juicing. I immediately went and bought a low budget juicer that I had no idea would be the start of a beautiful journey that essentially over the years would help me to develop a daily wellness practice and total restoration of joy in my mind, body, and spirit for myself. About a year ago, I really started to see and feel the full benefits of being intentional with my re- commitment to my healing. I mastered juicing recipes that made me excited to consume. I remember using my husband as my first taste tester, because it’s one thing for you to think you have the best product in the world, and another when others believe the same! So I gave a sample of what I now call our “Gimme a Beet” juice which is a perfect blend of beets, pineapple, carrots, lime and apple. His eyes lit up with joy after one sip. Now, for context- my husband is a total southern anti vegetable and limited fruit loving carnivore. He was amazed and encouraged me to share my juice with others. And so I did. I started sharing more of myself making my favorite juices on social media and sharing more of my story of the benefits that I was experiencing. My biggest win was witnessing lowering my high blood pressure after just a few days of juice cleansing. Before I knew it, samples turned into orders, and those orders turned into outgrowing my home kitchen and officially turning my love for juicing into an e-commerce community juicer with a commercial kitchen located in Garland,TX.

I’ve created the essence of my business model to serve as a solution for people like me who are deeply consumed with the demands of work, family and life that often leaves our inner cups empty and leaves us depleted of joy and vitality. Joy Juice Culture is the solution for the person who, similar to 90% of Americans, aren’t eating enough fruits and vegetables, and juicing feels like the ideal solution for them but they lack the time and desire to juice themselves at home and/or haven’t found juices that makes them want to drink everyday.

I’m proud of reading our google testimonials that read “Joy Juice Culture is so good, I forget it’s healthy,” or “ hearing women talk about how they originally bought the juice for themselves but shockingly ended up having to share their juice with their partner who originally said they hated fruit and veggie juice. These stories light me up inside with so much joy.

I’m also most proud of seeing the joy and hope in a person’s eyes when they taste our juice, that says- ok, I can do this! I can reset my habits and give my body what it needs and loves.

Want more? Visit Canvas Rebel Magazine for the full story.


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